The UK Ban on Fluorescent Lights & The Transition to LED Grow Lights

Discover your solution with our LED grow light upgrade service

In a significant move towards a greener future, the UK Government implemented a phased ban on T5, T8  and compact fluorescent lighting in September 2023. The decision, in alignment with the EU Commission's revised Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, marks a crucial step in mitigating risks to human health and fostering a sustainable approach to lighting solutions.


What is the RoHS Directive?

The EU Commission’s RoHS Directive targets the reduction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), emphasising the responsible handling and disposal of products containing these materials. By restricting the use and distribution of toxic materials, the directive aims to pave the way for cleaner, safer alternatives.


The UK Ban on Fluorescent Lights

Fluorescent lights traditionally contain mercury, a hazardous substance that is both listed in the RoHS Directive and as one of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) top 10 chemicals that are a major public health concern.

As of September 2023, all business owners in the UK are now required to source alternative lighting solutions and discard their fluorescent lamps as hazardous waste. This ban is part of a broader effort to transition to more energy-efficient lighting solutions, ultimately reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

To facilitate a smooth transition to alternative lighting solutions, the ban is being carried out in three phases, which we’ve outlined below. The use, sale and purchase of existing products is also allowed during this ‘phasing-out’ period. This means companies with remaining stock can continue selling until depletion, and facilities currently using fluorescent tube lighting may continue until replacement is necessary. However, proper disposal is required to prevent the release of toxic gases into the environment.  

Here’s the current timeline as it stands:

1 September 2023: the phasing out of T8 fluorescent lights begins

1 February 2024: the phasing out of compact fluorescent lights begins

24 February 2024: the phasing out of T5 fluorescent lights begins


Turning to LEDs for a Sustainable Solution

Many growth chambers and controlled environment facilities across the UK and Europe still happily bask in the glow of fluorescent tubes. It’s crucial for all organisations to check their light sources and plan the switch to LED.

Weiss Technik UK offers a replacement and retrofit LED lighting service for customers seeking to replace or upgrade from fluorescent lamps and other traditional light sources. Our team of experts can work with you to assess your plant growth chamber or controlled environment facility’s needs and provide a light spectrum that is tailored to suit your plant growth research.

Upgrading from fluorescent lamps to wide spectrum LED grow lights offers numerous benefits for plant research facilities:

·        Lower energy consumption

·        Long-term savings in energy costs

·        Longer lifespan

·        Increased light intensity

Whatever your requirements, we offer a range of LED grow light options and installation services, ensuring a seamless transition from your current fluorescent lights. From tailored light spectrums to energy savings and great control, our LED grow lamps are a valuable investment for any plant research facility looking to improve results and reduce costs.


Find out more about our replacement LED lighting service here and get in touch today to speak to our specialist team. Call us on 01509 631 595 or email us on